How do I get a copy of the test booklet and my answers for the SAT or ACT?

Getting your SAT answers and the test booklet

With the Question and Answer service, College Board will give you a printout of your answers and a copy of your exam booklet, supposedly six weeks after the exam date but often two months after the test date in Canada. The Q&A service is available in January (US and Canada), May (worldwide) and October (US and Canada). If you don’t receive it after six weeks, you can call College Board and they’ll send you another one that will usually reach you faster than the original.Don’t get the Q&A in October of 12th grade, if you’ll retake the test in November, as you’ll receive it too late. But it’s so inexpensive, that you might want to take the chance of getting Q&A if you’ll retake the test in December. You might — we emphasize might — receive it in time. Or if you’re curious about your question-by-question results, or if you have a younger sibling or friend who would like a copy of the exam, get the Q&A service even if it won’t help you personally.

Getting your ACT answers and the test booklet

ACT calls it the test information release service.

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