When are the SAT and ACT offered?

The SAT and ACT are given several times a year.

More info on the SAT

The most up-to-date information and more details on the SAT are available here: SAT US dates and SAT international dates.

Sunday SAT exams are offered under special circumstances.

More info on the ACT

The most up-to-date information and more details on the ACT are available here: ACT US dates and ACT international dates.

SAT and ACT Test Dates

FebruaryNoneU.S. & International
MarchU.S. & InternationalNone
AprilNoneU.S. & International
MayU.S. & InternationalNone
JuneU.S. & InternationalU.S. & International
JulyNoneU.S. (Except New York) & International
AugustU.S. & InternationalNone
SeptemberNoneU.S. & International
OctoberU.S. & InternationalU.S. & International
NovemberU.S. & InternationalNone
DecemberU.S. & InternationalU.S. & International