SAT Math Secret - Absolute

Math Secret – Exponent

Your Score Booster (YSB) is the only SAT and ACT preparation company offering The PointsBooster® Method, which is demonstrated to boost scores hundreds of points. The exclusive method offers the SAT secrets in detailed lesson plans for the math, critical reading and writing sections, including the essay. While it’s important to know all the SAT math, SAT reading and SAT writing skills, it’s also key to learn the tricks of the SAT and ACT.

Students love when I show them a technique to solve the question below even if they’ve never seen a negative exponent or a fractional exponent. Yes, I will repeat. YSB can show a student how to solve this problem even if the student doesn’t know what a negative exponent or a fractional exponent is.

Your Score Booster SAT Tutoring Trick

YSB also can review the areas of the SAT you don’t remember, from geometry’s 7-24-25 perfect right triangle to grammar’s comma splice.

YSB can teach you when to guess on the SAT and how to make the best guess. YSB can show you how to pace yourself while taking the SAT.

YSB will show you how to eliminate answer choices on the critical reading section of the SAT will help you improve your SAT essay, too. With Your Score Booster on your side, you’ll review important math, reading and writing skills as well as learn the tricks of the SAT and PSAT; only that combination will help you get your best score on the SAT or PSAT.

Your Score Booster SAT prep is individualized to each student’s needs.

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