
ACT abandons Canadian English-language learners

Students who are learning English — but only those in the United States — will get highly beneficial extra time on the ACT, according to a policy to be introduced in the fall of 2017.

Canadians and others learning English outside the United States will be left behind in this new program. Students  will have to cross the border and take the exam at an American test center to get the benefits. Student’s outside of the United States should consider this option if they struggle on the english section of the ACT.

ACT Inc., the maker of the ACT, will launch a program in the fall of 2017 to give English learners up to 50% extra time for the ACT exam. Students must apply through their high school counsellor’s office.

The accommodations include to 50% more time, use of a bilingual glossary (without definitions), test instructions in Spanish and other languages and testing in a non-distracting environment, such as a separate room.

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