Key Education

Impressed with Your Score Booster’s results in helping students boost SAT & ACT scores, Key Education recommends Your Score Booster for SAT and ACT preparation.

As a referral from Key Education, you can get:

Key Education - Your Score Booster presentation
Key Education - Your Score Booster presentation

Special Offers

Free 30-minute consultation

A free 30-minute consultation with Your Score Booster to discuss test preparation before you even take a diagnostic.

Remember to mention your referral as KEY Education


$100 off Assessment and Consultation

We help you decide whether the SAT or ACT is better for you. We then meet to discuss test results. Enter code AM100 during checkout.

We have been so impressed with the SAT/ACT results that Your Score Booster has been able to achieve for their students. Their comprehensive textbooks, easy-to-understand video solutions, on-line support, and the exclusive PointsBooster™ Method of test preparation have led KEY to actively collaborate with YSB for SAT/ACT prep. Their classes and tutorials are best in class, and we have seen first hand the dramatic improvements they have been able to achieve with our students. Although the SAT/ACT is only one factor in the complicated application process to highly-selective universities, YSB helps maximize students’ potential in achieving the scores necessary to be competitive candidates.



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